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Maximizing Your Investment

Your level of participation has an impact on the success of your ICC program.*

Engaging to the best of your ability in your ICC program is an extremely important factor in outcomes. Push yourself to be vulnerable, honest, and open.*

Giving feedback to your ICC therapist is another important component. Don’t be afraid to give us honest feedback – we value it!

Allow yourself to be challenged. Sometimes you have to be open to seeing things in a new way in order to get things to change.*

Do your best to stay away from the distractions of normal life. Stay in a hotel and find childcare. Focus on your relationship.

Contact us now and let us help. Don’t wait too long – there may be no turning back.

“This intensive counseling weekend was invaluable to our relationship and provided specific strategies we both need to practice. I now understand how I’ve contributed to our issues and feel hopeful about addressing them for a happier future together.*” – ICC program participant

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