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Sidney Miller, BA


Sidney Miller, BA

When you start working with Sidney, you’ll truly understand the meaning of the phrase “Knowledge Is Power.” She brings clarity to even the most confusing and complicated situations, and her ultimate goal is to lead you to the kinds of revelations that act as a catalyst for positive growth. With her guidance and care, you’ll truly feel like you have all the tools you need to take charge of your life and your relationship.

With Sidney, you won’t just have a therapist on your side – you’ll also have an ally who will go to the ends of the earth to find the right solution, as well as a guidebook to help you get there. And even though she can’t do the hard work for you, you can be assured that she’ll be able to lead you to a path toward renewed connection and shared vision for the future.

Request an appointment for your child with Sidney here.

Sidney is currently practicing under the clinical supervision of Amanda Tapper, LMFT.
(What is clinical supervision?)

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