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Archive for: Announcements

Middle Aged and Single during COVID – Leif Pettersen’s Makes a Podcast a podcast featuring RTC Co Owner Theresa Benoit

Middle Aged and Single during COVID – Leif Pettersen’s Makes a Podcast a podcast featuring RTC Co Owner Theresa Benoit In Leif Pettersen’s Makes a Podcast a Podcast, he talks with Theresa about dating while middle-aged, dating during COVID and dating while middle-aged during COVID. Theresa had some great […]

Can your marriage survive the coronavirus? By Matt Villano, CNN

Can your marriage survive the coronavirus? By Matt Villano, CNN

(CNN)Even for those of us with the happiest and most stable marriages, social distancing to combat the spread of Covid-19 provides some serious challenges to our respective unions. We’re confined […]

How Not To Tank Your Relationship in Quarantine by John Tierney and Roy Baumeister

How Not To Tank Your Relationship in Quarantine by John Tierney and Roy Baumeister

“This time of isolation could be a period of great growth or great struggle in our relationship.”   Humans have evolved with a drive to share life with a partner—just […]

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