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Zachariah Devereux, MS


Zachariah Devereux, MS

As Zachariah always says: “Be respectful, be kind, share the space, be excellent to each other, and if unsure, just ask.” It is this philosophy on life that Zachariah brings into all of the work he does with his couples. He is enormously affirming of his clients’ lived experiences, but also seeks to empower them to make the transformative changes that will help them lead a life of genuine connection and well-being. Zachariah’s extensive experience with sex and sexuality, gender identity, kink, and trauma means he can help you get deeply in tune with yourself, and shed some light on your thought patterns and personal narratives.

More than anything, Zachariah is committed to offering a space where you can be vulnerable and candid with your partner and yourself. At the same time, he will also help you cultivate the inner fortitude to learn from your setbacks and bounce back even stronger. At the end of the day, he’s here to help you learn how to take care of yourself, your relationship, and your community.

Schedule your first meeting with Zachariah here.

Zachariah is currently practicing under the clinical supervision of Callie McMillan, LMFT.
(What is clinical supervision?)

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