Efrén Solanas, MA, LMFT
Efrén is the grand explorer of the Relationship Therapy Center. Whatever journey his clients are on, he enthusiastically jumps on and is the consummate companion and guide – no matter where that journey ventures. Efrén has the ability to honor individuals and relationships in a way we’ve never seen before. He holds the kind of respect for people that can’t be taught. It can only be earned over a lifetime of myriad experiences – all in the service of trying to understand the intricacies and complexities of how relationships work.
This ability to honor each person leads his clients to feeling profoundly cared for and seen for who they are and what they want from life (and therapy). Therapy is not a job for Efrén – it’s his calling. Every experience, every ounce of life he’s had, has lead him to care for clients in a way that is uniquely personal.
Request an appointment with Efrén here.